Card with hieroglyph (hieroglyph)

A simplified or traditional hieroglyph is displayed on one side of the character card.dong

On the other side of the card is displayed:

  • writing a hieroglyph in simplified and traditional forms;

  • the way of reading the hieroglyph in the "comprehensible language" putonghua according to the rules of pinyin and the number of steps that a player can or should make;

  • one or more variants of the value of this character.

Using pinyin tones to calculate the number of steps

huoIn some sets, the number of steps may not be specified in the reverse side of the card. In this case it is calculated on the basis of pinyin.

In putonghua when pronouncing a hieroglyph can be used four tones, denoted in pinyin different signs over Latin symbols.

The tone symbol and number of moves are the same, for example:

  1. sān (horizontal line) — tone 1, 1 step
    means "three";
  2. shí (ascending line) — tone 2, 2 steps
    means "ten";
  3. huǒ (broken line) — tone 3, 3 steps
    means "fire";
  4. jì (downward line) — tone 4, 4 steps
    means "stratagem, idea, plan".

It is possible that the hieroglyph is pronounced without a tone, which is indicated by the absence of a tone mark over the Latin symbols and means the inability to make free steps during its turn.

The ability to determine the number of strokes in the tone is the only skill associated with the oral Chinese language that may be required in the game.

Card with question (task)

Tasks are dealt at the beginning of the game as a task, inverted question to the player.


The reverse side can contain a response in the form of a sequence of simplified hieroglyphs that need to be collected for the correct answer to the question.

answer, simple hieroglyphs

The reverse side can contain the answer in the traditional form.

answer, traditional hieroglyphs

The method of pronouncing an expression in pinyin transcription may be absent.