Chinese written language has one remarkable feature: every hieroglyph is a "thing in itself" and is not tied to pronunciation. It's as if we wanted to invent our own writing and for each concept would come up with their own signs.
Take, for example, the hieroglyph 人. This hieroglyph means "man" or "people". In order to understand the essence of what is written in a book or newspaper, we just need to remember the meaning of this character. The most pleasant thing is that exactly the same sign in the Japanese language also means "man, people".
Therefore, we need only eyes and memory to study Chinese written language. It is on the basis of this simple idea and built the rules of the game "Chinese Squared" (Ch2).
The main purpose of any game Ch2 is to compose from separate hieroglyphs the given expression ("Cause time, fun hour") or some thematic sequence of hieroglyphs (north, south, west, east).
You can play for a while-who will collect more expressions for a certain time, or until the moment when someone first gathers a predefined number of expressions.
The value of the first few characters can be learned from the rules, the remaining hieroglyphs are fairly quickly studied during the game. The level of difficulty depends on which version of the rules and which game set will be selected by the players.